Director of GAUK in Moscow "PCIO" "Babushkinsky"
The director of the GAUC in Moscow "Pyomyo" "Babushkinsky, Buskin Igor Vladimirovich was born on November 12, 1970. He was born and now lives in the Babushkin district.
He graduated from the Moscow State Open Teachers' University. M.A. Sholokhova in 2003.
He is the director and chairman of the Public Council of THE GAUC. "Babushkinsky, a member of the Society of Local Historians of the Club "Dobrohot (d)" SWAO, deputy chairman of the Council of Local Historians of SWAO. Moscow, a member of the Board of Trustees of the GBU TCSO Babushkinsky. He is a member of the Boards of Management Schools Nos. 281 and No. 1381.
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