"Creative Holiday" in Babushkinskom Park
Do you know what to do when you're on vacation? In a hurry to report, in the framework of the "Creative vacations" programme in the Babushkinsky Park Center and Recreation Centre, the Family and Children center Specialist "dialogue" will have a series of creative master classes.
On November 7, the 13:00 will have a master-class "Hearts for Your beloved mother" in the facing technique. Your kids are going to learn to do wonderful things from corrugated paper!
On November 9, in 13:00, a master-class floristry will be held for the production of autumn collections of flowers and berries!
On 10 and 11 November, from 15:00 to 16:30, a master class for decorative and applied arts from the Golden Elephant Art Studio will be held.
The entrance is FREE!
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