A Day of Family, Love and Loyalty
On July 7, the celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Loyalty will take place in Babushkinsky Park.
The whole day from 12:00 to 18:00, at different locations of the park will be held as an interactive action for the whole family, and a concert program.
From 12:00-13:00 the festive day will open with a concert program at the Green Theatre "The Daisy Bouquet" from the creative teams of the "Harmony Center of Culture" with a folklore program.
The Cultural Center "Na Comintern" will arrange a real family holiday "Day of Daisies" in the playground from 16:00-17:00. Daisy is a symbol of childhood, family, love and loyalty. Each petal of this flower is kept at the center, as if every member of the family, rejoicing in the comfort of the home. Each flower has a symbolic meaning, there is even a "Language of Flowers." Armed with a "flower alphabet," each family will create its own coat of arms, which will be flowers, embodying family values. Paper, pencils, markers and images of flowers and plants will help in this. Children's animation program with favorite mobile games and competitions. A juggler will reveal the secrets of craftsmanship for young guests of the holiday and teach to juggle objects in a matter of time.
At 17:00 on the stage of the Green Theatre will begin the concert "Compliment – Divertiment" from GbUK. Moscow's Mosconzert. For you will perform: the ensemble of folk music "Kupina", winners of all-Russian and International competitions: Ilya Ushullu, Elena Lopukhina.
Such an interesting and eventful holiday will leave no one indifferent.
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