Schedule of Events 18.03.19-24.03.19


08.45-10.15-Nordic Walking Club (main area)

10.00-11.00 – Ancient Chinese longevity gymnastics (main territory)

10.30-12.00 – Club of Board games fans (main territory)

10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

16.00-20.00-Occupation of the choir of veterans of War and labor of SVO (Ttid)


10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

18.00-19.00-course "Family videography" (Ttid)


08.45-10.15-Nordic Walking Club (main area)

10.00-12.00-"Paints of life"-a practical lesson with a psychologist (Ttid)

10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-12.00 – Ancient Chinese longevity gymnastics (main territory)

10.30-12.00 – Club of board games fans

(Chess-Checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

17.00-19.00 – "Master Class on Painting" (Ttid)


10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

16.00-20.00-Occupation of the choir of veterans of War and labor of SVO (Ttid)


08.45-10.15-Nordic Walking Club (main territory)

10.00-11.00 – Ancient Chinese gymnastics of longevity (Green Theatre)

10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)


10.00-12.00 – Ancient Chinese gymnastics of longevity (Green Theatre)

10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

15.00-17.00-"retro-fest"-Dance Program (Green Theatre)

17:00-19:00 – Master-class on painting (Ttid)


10.00-12.00 – Ancient Chinese gymnastics of longevity (Green Theatre)

10.00-18.00-bukcrossing (Chess-checkers Pavilion)

10.00-22.00 – "We work in the north"-thematic photo exhibition (main territory)

12.00-16.00-"Game library"-Day of Board games (Ttid)

12.00-18.00-"Grutizzh"-Exhibition of art works of students of the studio "Rainbow WIZARD" DK "Yunost" (Ttid)

15.00-17.00-"retro-fest"-Dance Program (Green Theatre)

"Babashkinskiy" Park

11 Mar at 10:35
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