III film "Charity in the Lens"
On July 14 and 15 in Babushkinskom Park will be a screening of the films of Laureates and prize-winners of the III film "Charity in the Lens".
Film is established by the "Sheredar" Foundation, a non-profit organization engaged in psycho-social rehabilitation of children who have undergone oncological diseases. The annual event develops ideas of charity in the Society. It is designed to draw attention to the creativity of young filmmakers, removing videos and movies on social topics.
The program, which will be seen by the guests of the park, includes documentary and game short films, videos on social subjects, presentation videos about NGOs and foundations, television plots.
July 14, Saturday. Start at 19:00.
"A common cause." Documentary short film.
Directed by Vasilisa Balashov.
"New". Game short Film.
Directed by Maria Sopova.
"Motor". Documentary short film.
Directed by Julia Kushnarenko.
"There are no secrets". Social video.
Written by Natalia Shcherbakov.
"Hospital clowns." Television storyline.
Directed by Natalia Pankratova.
"#моямедицинаэто". Social video.
Directed by Mikhail Haris.
July 15, Sunday. Start at 19:00.
"Where to go". Documentary short film.
Directed by Maria Semenova.
"Outside the door." Game short Film.
Directed by Anastasia Rutskaya.
About! Live a dream. " Presentation video about NPO.
Directed by Ekaterina Ananiev, screenplay by Natalia Mazunina.
"Journey Between Worlds". Documentary short film.
Directed by Vladimir Rudak.
"Life by Touch". Television storyline.
Directed by Olga Shcherbakov.
"Be together." Social video.
Directed by Julia Saponova.
"Siberian Ark". Documentary short film.
Directed by Paul Skorobogatov.
"Streams of Love". Documentary short film.
Directed by Andranik Saatchjan.
The Wizards ' Cup. Presentation video about NPO.
Written by Ekaterina Gogoleva.
The entrance is FREE!
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